Lin Yang (杨琳)
Hello! I am an Assistant Professor of Urban Governance and Design at the Society Hub of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I received my Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University.
My research focuses on environmental and urban challenges in China using high-resolution and high-frequency data.
I am in the Cornell Institute for China Economic Research (CICER) group.
I can be contacted at .
Please download my CV here.
- Does Subway Expansion Improve Air Quality?
(With Shanjun Li, Yanyan Liu, and Avralt-Od Purevjav) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 96: 213-235
- Transportation and the Environment in Developing Countries.
(With Shanjun Li, Jianwei Xing, and Fan Zhang) Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2020, 12: 389-409
- The Impact of Air Pollution on Outpatient Medical Service Utilization and Medical Expenditure in a Clean City.
(With Xiaoting Zheng and Yumeng Liu) Social Science and Medicine, 2023, 338, 116301
Working Paper
- Achieving Air Pollution Control Targets with Technology-aided Monitoring: Better Enforcement or Localized Efforts?
(With Yatang Lin, Jin Wang, and Fangyuan Peng) American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Forthcoming
Work in Progress
- The Right to be Monitored: Spatial Inequality of Monitoring Siting in Beijing, China.
(with Ye Lyu)
- Weathering the Compliance Drought: Impact of Climate Change on Citizen-State Conflict in Africa.
(with Ye Lyu)
- Climate Change, Renewable Energy Transition, and Power System Resilience.
(with Yatang Lin and Xuan Zhu)
- Environmental Regulation, Firm Location and Pollution Emissions.
- Transportation Infrastructure and Urbanization.
Cities and the Environment (Graduate, Fall 2021 - 2023)
Principles of Microeconomics (Undergraduate,Spring 2022)