Lin Yang (杨琳)

Hello! I am an Assistant Professor of Urban Governance and Design at the Society Hub of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). I received my Ph.D. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University.

My research focuses on environmental and urban challenges in China using high-resolution and high-frequency data.

I am in the Cornell Institute for China Economic Research (CICER) group.

I can be contacted at .

Please download my CV here.



  • Does Subway Expansion Improve Air Quality?

    (With Shanjun Li, Yanyan Liu, and Avralt-Od Purevjav) Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2019, 96: 213-235

  • Transportation and the Environment in Developing Countries.

    (With Shanjun Li, Jianwei Xing, and Fan Zhang) Annual Review of Resource Economics, 2020, 12: 389-409

  • The Impact of Air Pollution on Outpatient Medical Service Utilization and Medical Expenditure in a Clean City.

    (With Xiaoting Zheng and Yumeng Liu) Social Science and Medicine, 2023, 338, 116301

Working Paper

Work in Progress

  • The Right to be Monitored: Spatial Inequality of Monitoring Siting in Beijing, China.

    (with Ye Lyu)

  • Weathering the Compliance Drought: Impact of Climate Change on Citizen-State Conflict in Africa.

    (with Ye Lyu)

  • Climate Change, Renewable Energy Transition, and Power System Resilience.

    (with Yatang Lin and Xuan Zhu)

  • Environmental Regulation, Firm Location and Pollution Emissions.
  • Transportation Infrastructure and Urbanization.


Economics Analysis of Cities and the Environment (Graduate, Fall 2021 - 2024)

Empirical Strategy for Urban Research (Graduate,Spring 2023)

Principles of Microeconomics (Undergraduate,Spring 2022)

Post-Doc/PhD/RA Recruitment

Ideal candidates should be trained in economics or related fields with strong analytical skills.

Students proficient in R, Stata, ArcGIS, Python, machine learning, and experience with spatial remote sensing data will be given priorities.

Please email me your CV and a two-page research proposal if you are interested:

Proposal requirements:

  • A clear research question
  • How will you carry out the research
  • Its contributions to the literature
  • For Post-Doc applications, please also send me your Job Market Paper.